Hypno Poker
Ilze Zolte
43 Hill Crest Road
BD13 3PQ Thornton, Bradford

Telefon: +44 07794060223

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Ilze Zolte, your coach at Hypno Poker
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Hypnosis For Peak Pker Performance

Unique Hypnosis and NLP Poker Mindset Course


Exciting News: "Master of the Mindset" Course Now Available!

Unlock your poker potential with our new "Master of the Mindset" course, co-created with poker pro and NLP expert Grant Gardner. Dive deep into mental game strategies and elevate your play to new heights. Start your transformative journey today!

Ilze Zolte, Poker Performance Coach

Hi, my name is Ilze Zolte, your poker performance coach from Hypno Poker. I help professional poker players unlock their true potential by focusing on their mindset.

The best poker players in the world know that a game of poker is as much a mental game as it is physical. 99% of the time, the reason for the bad beats, 'tilt', downswings and self-sabotage is directly connected to the mental game - and I can help you fix that!

By tapping into your subconscious mind through hypnosis you will gain increased focus, concentration and get rid of any limiting beliefs, which will help you win not only at poker, but also in life. Hypno Poker is the ultimate solution to unlocking your true potential. > After all...

When it comes to you, you have to be ALL IN!
  • MONEY BLOCKS Would you like to earn more money?x
  • MINDSET Does your mindset affect your performance?x

Lisa Pickell, professional Poker Player and Trainer, on Ilze Zolte and Hypno Poker ...


Jacquin Hypnosis Academy - hypnotherapy training live onlineHelen Breward, international HypnotherapistInnervisions UK - school of clinical hypnosisGeneral Hypnotherapy Standards CouncilGeneral Hypnotherapy Register

Quelle: https://hypnopoker.co.uk/

Unique Hypnosis and NLP Poker Mindset Course


Exciting News: "Master of the Mindset" Course Now Available!

Unlock your poker potential with our new "Master of the Mindset" course, co-created with poker pro and NLP expert Grant Gardner. Dive deep into mental game strategies and elevate your play to new heights. Start your transformative journey today!

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